Written by two white hat hackers, this book is aimed at making vital information known so that you can find ways to secure your Mac OS X systems, and examines the sorts of attacks that are prevented by Leopards security defenses, what ...
It reflects the changing intelligence needs of our clients in both the public and private sector, as well as the many areas we have been active in over the past two years.
Crimes against History takes a global approach to the extreme forms of censorship to which history and historians have been subjected through the ages.
This book is suitable for higher undergraduate and graduate students of zoonoses and public health, veterinary parasitology, parasite epidemiology; public health workers; public health veterinarians; field veterinarians, medical ...
Learn these Linux essentials and more: Types of distributions and open source applications All about freeware, licensing, operations, and navigation Using common Linux programs Navigating the command line Searching, extracting, and ...
Nine minibooks in this guide cover everything administrators need to know about the five leading versions: Ubuntu, Fedora Core, OpenSUSE, Mint, and Mandriva.
NEW--Over 200 references to books and papers published since the first edition. NEW--The Web site for this book contains PowerPoint slides, simulators, figures in various formats, and other teaching aids.